Stretch in Bed
Eat Breakfast, Eat Protein
Get Your Blood Moving
Shower with a Natural Handcrafted Coffee Soap
Cappuccino With Cocoa Butter
Brazilian Espresso Scrub Soap with Cocoa Butter
GO Natural Handcrafted soap - - handmade gifts Unique handmade soap gift sets for him and her featuring Natural Handcraftet Soap.
For thousands of years, women in tropical countries have used coconut oil to moisturize their skin and lips, as a hair conditioner, to make lotions, and for the production of natural handmade soaps.
Because coconut oil has a natural creamy texture, comes from a vegetable source, and is free from pesticides and other chemicals and contaminants, it is really ideal for making body care products.
This soap contains ground and whole oatmeal which serves as a great exfoliant, The oatmeal naturally exfoliates your skin, and with the addition of shea butter and Brazilian hazel nut oil this soap is not only alluring on your nose, it will leave you feeling refreshed and silky soft.
Did you know that there is such an amazing thing as handmade soap? Yes, soap actually has more to offer than just plain cleansing. It can provide us with a multitude more of health benefits, BUT only if we use the right soap.
By “the right soap” we do not mean the commercial soaps widely available. We mean the pure and natural soap that can only be found in Natural Handcrafted Soap.
Handmade Soap Secret to Youthful Skin Taking a luxurious bath after a long, hot day is one of the simplest yet enjoyable things to do in life. However, do you know that you can unknowingly damage your skin while doing something as seemingly innocuous as bathing? Soaps and other bath products containing harsh and synthetic chemicals strip your skin of its natural and protective oils. To preserve your skin’s suppleness, it’s best to use Natural Handcrafted Soap and other natural soap products.
Secret to Youthful Skin
A natural soap is one of the best ways to get youthful-looking skin. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on dermatological procedures and cosmetic surgery to achieve that. Try Copaiba Rainforest Soap
Still Best for Babies
Because handmade soaps use only natural ingredients. Although baby soaps found in the market are more or less suitable for very young skin, you can still not be 100% sure that those products don’t have the slightest hint of preservatives that can irritate your child’s skin. You can only be 100% if you use natural hadcrafted soap made from the freshest ingredients.
Like Goat's Milk with Honey and Beeswax
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posted by Natural Handcrafted Soap at
8:57 AM
When it comes to creating a new soap we are inspired by the sources of study: the old-fashioned natural remedies, herbal healing, historical beauty, forgotten lore or odd relics, and the magic of scent from the Amazon Rainforest herbs and plants.
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